Saturday, January 3, 2009

Women's Cold Hard Cash Bonspiel

OK, I don't know who's bright idea it was to pit our team against a team that hopes to go to the Olympics??? Hello, our team hopes to get rocks in the house and this is our first draw? It wasn't even fun. The first few ends were not bad, they scored three, we scored two, they scored one but then things just went to hell. When I talked with other people about this the answer was "well they (the person (s) doing the draw) set it up that way so that the competitive teams are sure to advance. Fuck that, what about teams like ours who want to play well and have a good time. There are more teams like ours than there are the highly competitive teams. Let those teams play against each other, I'm sure it would be much more fun for them as well. I can't imagine that the team we played against enjoyed kicking our ass. OK, 'nough said, but it will make me think twice about playing in this bonspiel next year. 

Maybe it's 'cause I feel so crappy, I'm still battling this cold. My plan to get home early last night did not work out. Outside of having a bad game I did enjoy the evening. I was able to chit chat with a lot of people. I did not get home until about 0100 and then I could not sleep. My head is so stuffed that I'm unable to breathe through my nose so my mouth kept getting dried out, which would wake me up. I would wake up drink some water, doze off, wake up drink more water go pee doze off, wake up drink water doze off, wake up drink water go pee doze off...
Finally around 0600 I gave up. My voice is pretty much gone this morning so today should be fun. 

Our first game today is at 0900, I'm going to get to the club a bit early so I can grab something to eat. Not sure when our next game will be I guess it depend on whether we win or not. We'll be playing the Goodspeed team, it should be a fun game, I know all of their players. 

It's nearly 7 o'clock so I should be motivated. I'm hoping a hot steamy shower will break up some of this congestion and I can start to breathe again.  


Kim said...

Think of it this way: the first two rounds of a bonspiel are for placing you in your proper bracket. They are bonus games. No matter if you win or lose, you get to keep playing. On the 3rd match, you compete in earnest, because if you lose, you don't get to play anymore.

Try putting a positive spin on it; you got to play against some great players, and could have learned a lot from the experience. Instead, you're whining.

Carmen Marlot said...

touche, after I read my post again I thought the same thing. :)