Monday, January 5, 2009

Still don't have a voice

What a frustration! No Voice! It does not work well when you need to answer the phone and talk over a radio as part of your job. Poor Dave had to take all the calls today. The calls that came in while he was out to lunch were a challenge, I did manage to take care of things and the guys enjoyed it. I've also developed a cough which really sucks. I'm taking it easy tonight in hopes of getting rid of this damn cold. Lash doesn't mind if I don't talk to him as long as I continue to pet him all night and let him sit on my lap. He even thinks that he should have my undivided attention at all times because I left him alone all weekend.

My new fun word is "hitherto" (up to this or that time). I can't say as I have ever used the word hitherto in my life, I know I've read it before and I just read it again in the book I started yesterday. I like it; hitherto.

Speaking of the new book, I cracked open "Dianetics" by L. Ron Hubbard and started reading it last night. Back in the late 80's I was really into L. Ron Hubbard's science fiction books. I had heard of "Dianetics" which was first published in 1950 but really had no interest in reading it. His science fiction books always had this dark sexual undertone, at least the ones I read. In the books I read there was always a dominatrix type character and some wimpy guy, the wimpy guy actually had all the power but enjoyed getting his ass kicked. Now of course this was not what the books were about they were like little side stories within the story. Maybe that's why I liked them, who knows. So anyway, I had been researching something else and I somehow found myself cross referenced with Scientology which in turn brought me to L. Ron Hubbard. Then last week I was at the half price book store and what do ya know, there right in front of me was "Dianetics," you know I had to pick it up and at $1.98 it was a steal.

One of my favorite things is checking out peoples belief systems, call it religion if you like but I think religion is too confining. To me religion is like Lutheran or Catholic or something. A belief system is bigger than a religion, for example Christianity, that in my book is a belief. So this book "Dianetics" is right up my alley, I'm also going to look closer at The Church of Scientology, now that should be fun.

This looks like it will be an interesting book to read, Hubbard explains how to read the book and has footnotes and definitions. I've learned almost 10 new words and I'm only 35 pages into the book. This will by no means be an easy read; it's over 600 pages of small print. If the theories of his book hold true then I should be able to heal all that ails me. YAY, I can't wait to get rid of this headache.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Good luck with Dianetics. I tried reading it back in the 90s, and never made it to page 100. I kept falling asleep - quite literally - within 5 pages. So after trying for a few weeks, I finally decided the gods didn't want me to read it, so I gave up.

We'll have to discuss it over a beer some time. Or maybe lecture would be a better term, as a discussion would require two-way knowledge. :p