Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Whiskey and Honey

I'm still without a voice, some might say that's good thing but I'm not very happy about it. I have several phone calls I need to make and I cannot make them. Example:

bug guy came over the other day and I was not here when he arrived so he only sprayed the outside of the house and now I have a bill for it. I want them to come back and do the inside before I pay the bill, the cost is the same, so I want the full meal deal. I don't have a voice so I can't call. I'm sure they will want their payment but I'm not sending any money until they come back and finish the inside. Everyone knows I have bug issues, they simply do NOT belong in a person's house. Outside is fine, in the garden is fine, in my house NO way!

Speaking of bugs, I stayed home from work today in hopes of fighting this virus or whatever it is. I spent the entire day in the house, doing chores, laundry, dishes, cleaning, YUCK! not fun. I also shaved my head today, I just could not stand my hair any longer. it was waaaaay too poofy. We lesbians have a code we must honor when it comes to hair. We may not make many fashion statements but we do have hair rules. No lesbian in her right mind will be seen with poofy hair, it just ain't right.

I tried to talk with Val today as we were supposed to go xcountry skiing tonight, she did not recognize my voice when I called. She and Tara decided not to go and she said when she went skiing last week when she had the same thing as I have now that the cold air really bothered her throat. I reminded her that it is quite likely that she and/or Tara gave this cold to me and I am placing the blame squarely upon their shoulders. I wimped out of going skiing myself tonight. Coughing and skiing just don't seem to go together.

Margeaux, Loafy and I have decided we are going to car pool it out to Denver for the US Olympic Curling tryouts. That should be a super fun time. I can just imagine the chaos created when Margeaux, Loafy and I get in one car together. Good God! Look out Denver! We are volunteering to work the event so that we can get in for free, cheap bastards that we are. Right now we are pooling our friend resources to find free places to stay. We're also hoping to get a hook up in Breckenridge as a side trip.

Oh yeah, whiskey and honey, Margeaux suggested that I try whiskey and honey for my throat. The only whiskey I have in the house is Dr. McGillicuddy's Fireball, it's a cinnamon flavored whiskey. I don't have any honey left as I finished it off when I made the apricot bars over the holidays. So I'm having a shot, or three of the Doctor. It can't hurt, right?

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