Sunday, January 18, 2009


My legs are sore today, must have been that cross country skiing I did yesterday. I talked with Julie and she was sore too so now I feel better. I'm going ski with Val and Tara tomorrow; I'm hoping Tara can give me some tips.

I started my Pound for Pound Challenge today, which means little or no beer for the next few months, bummer. I pulled out all the papers my Fitness Specialist had given me last year and have a plan of action. I'm giving 10 pounds to charity, it's a little more than I need to lose but I have been struggling with losing 5 pounds and keeping it off so I figure if I dump 10 pounds I can always put on 5 if I don't like that weight.

Today has been one of those roller coaster days, work was good, all the happy people were there. The afternoon was good, I watched a fun curling game, had dinner with Mary Jane then met some friends out at Camp for the season premiere of the L-word. That's about all I ever see of the show, Camp always shows last years finale and this years season premiere so I see the first and last shows of the season. Anyway, while I was at the bar I saw Anne; I just caught a glimpse of her then I was distracted. Val, Tara and I got a table along with some of Val's co-workers, Julie showed up a few minutes after I got there. After about 10 minutes Anne and her friends sat down at the table right in front of us. It was kind of weird as one of the women at Anne's table is an old friend of mine and a fellow curler Mary Ann, here she is dating a different friend of mine, Trish, what a small world. Trish and Anne work together, I met Trish through Tara and that's how I met Anne. It was bit awkward for all of us. Trish and Mary Ann came over and chatted with us, that was nice. I haven't seen Trish since we raced at Chequamegon in 2007 and I haven't seen Mary Ann since last year.

I was a little thrown off by seeing Anne, I always think I'm over it until I see her or someone starts asking me about her then I realize, nope still have to work on it. It's not like it used to be, I only cussed for about 3 minutes and cried for about 5 minutes on my way home then I was done. I guess it's a good thing to see her once in a while because I know one of these times it's just not going to matter at all then maybe I can start thinking about dating again.

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