Saturday, January 24, 2009

Update WC bonspiel

We lost our game today, should have won it but what can I say? We lost. We play tomorrow (Sunday) at 0800 YUCK!

The banquet was really fun, did a lot of dancing and socializing. The food was good. Sally, Amy and Lisa think they are really funny. I left my purse in the bathroom, realized it about 2 minutes later and went back. It was gone, went to the front desk, "has anyone turned in a purse?" "no" Went to the bar "has anyone turned in a purse?" "no" then went back to the ballroom where the banquet was being held. I hear an announcement "Attention everyone, a purse was turned in, will Princess of the nether regions come up?" Ha Ha funny girls. Here Lisa entered the bathroom right after me and found my purse, Amy opened it discovered it was mine and she and Sally had a great chuckle deciding what to do. Do they not realize the ramifications? What goes around, comes around :)

OK, off to bed, it's going to be an early morning.

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