Sunday, January 11, 2009

Only the good News

So far so good, I haven't read any bad News today. I tried to stay off the Internet as much as possible but as luck would have it our system was down at work so I did not have a lot that I could do. When that happens I we still have access to the Internet just not the programs I need to do my job. So, what else is a girl to do? Because I work for the government we have limited access on the Internet, but I did find some fun good News. For example: a rare Tree Kangaroo gave birth to twins at the Lincoln Children's Zoo in Omaha Nebraska.

I read my horoscope for today:

January 11, 2009

  1. CapricornCapricorn (12/22-1/19)

    You usually have good judgment when it comes to getting to know people, but it might be a little bit clouded right now. This new person that you are dying to get to know better, for example -- are they really deserving of this level of your admiration? Think about this long and hard today, because who you bring into your life is not a choice to make lightly. Make sure you're choosing these people based on the right reasons. Disposable friendships are more trouble than they're worth.

That has me wondering as I can't think of any one I've been dying to get to know better. I do believe this is a good piece of advice for me because I have been known to bring some crazy people into my world. I've always learned something from them but it can be a tumultuous ride.

I read a bunch of Mountain biking blogs and websites this afternoon, makes me want to go out for a ride. Maybe if the weather warms up on Friday or Saturday I can get my bike out.

I put Dianetics on the back shelf as Dave, my co-worker brought in Brisingr by Christopher Paolini for me to read. I've been waiting for this book to get to the library but it hasn't arrived yet. I noticed last week that Dave was reading Eragon which is the first book of this series so we started chatting about it. I just finished reading Eragon and Eldest about a month ago, Dave read them both in the past and recently picked up Brisingr but wanted to re-read the first two. He offered to let me read Brisingr, now who in their right mind can pass up that kind of offer? I still plan to finish Dianetics but I need to make sure I am done with Brisingr before Dave is ready to read it. I love me some fantasy and/or science fiction books, give me wizards and dragons and lots of magic! Fortunately today is Sunday which is my relaxation evening, I can hear the cozy chair calling my name. I think I might even crack a bottle of that 3 buck Chuck.

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