Sunday, January 4, 2009

Weekend curling

Whew, what a weekend. Saturday I spent nearly the entire day at the club. First game at 0900 against the Goodspeed team, we lost but it was fun. Those ladies are a hoot, I love it when Jane cusses. Our next game was not until 1330 so we had plenty of time to eat lunch and watch the other games. 

Funny, the only team we beat this weekend and I can't remember the name. I think it was Dahlen or something. It was a really fun game, close score. Winning this game allowed us to come back Sunday morning to play. 

After our game I cruised home, fed Lash, grabbed a quick shower and put on my "costume" for the banquet. The theme this year was Las Vegas and my team went as the guys on the street who hand out the girly cards. Nice, simple costume. I got back to the club around 1845, just in time for the raffle. I dint win anything but it sure was fun to see Margeaux win her prizes. Amy put tickets with Margeaux's name on them in all of the empty bags (things nobody wanted) hee hee hee. 

After the raffle we all headed upstairs for the banquet, good food, good conversations and fun dancing. Once again I stayed out later than I planned, I was hoping to be home by midnight and before I noticed it it was 2345. Not bad though I was home and in bed by 0030. 

This morning I thought I would finally take something for this cold I'm battling, bad idea. I was really congested and had developed a cough so I thought it would be good to take an antihistamine but it made me really dizzy and that's not good when you're on ice. Our game was at 0930; I got to the club around 0845 and grabbed some breakfast. 

We played the Matthews team, three out of the four players are deaf so it was fun for me to chat when them. Because I have pretty much lost my voice with this cold it was much easier for me to communicate with them than it was with my own team. Unfortunately we lost which ended our playing for the weekend. 

I stayed at the club and watched the final 4 games, we had money on team Busse who was playing in the third event, they won so we won!!! Our total winnings from the weekend was $56, giving each of us $14, not bad. 

Over all I had a really fun weekend, it was a little dampened with this cold but I met a lot of new people. At the banquet we sat with the team we played against Friday night and they were a fun bunch. 

As a side note I think there should be an unwritten rule that if people are inviting you to their house for a party or something they should tell you whether or not there will be children present. I went to a party last weekend and there were children there, nearly everyone at the party caught the same cold as I have. Apparently one of those kids was sick and we all know kids are just teaming with germs especially during the school year when they are playing with each other.  I'll have to remember next time I'm invited to ask whether there will be kids or not :)

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