Saturday, January 31, 2009

Butt Crack Quarters

Whew, I spent the better part of  today nursing a nasty hang over. I have not had one of those for a very long time, don't normally drink that much. I was just enjoying my evening so much I wasn't paying any attention to how much beer I was drinking and those shots to Fireball did not help any. 

Friday, I had a fun email bantering session in the morning, I did a few things around the house then met MJ at the Red Robin for lunch, we had a nice leisurely lunch. MJ is one of my favorite people to sit and chat with, she has wonderful stories and great insight on things. Very open and to the point, I love it when people are honest and straight forward. 

I curled at 5, we played against Loafy and Nancee's team that was fun. I'm not sure what is going on with Bob and Clay this year, maybe it's that I'm finally starting to understand the strategy of the game and now I just cannot figure out why they call the shots they do. I'm thinking I need to maybe find another team; one that I can grow with because I'm really not learning anything from this team. I know Cheryl is frustrated as well. 

I subbed on a 7 pm team that was a fun game, I played well, I was getting pretty tired by the eighth end, I think I needed more food or something. After the game I sat with the team for a bit, had some fries then went over to Loafy's table, she was sitting with Ralph and Aaron. Ralph, Loafy and I discussed the possibility of going to Arizona next week. Ralph and Sally have a timeshare they are trying to sell. After the second pitcher of beer the idea sounded really good. 

I saw one of the funniest things at the club, butt crack quarters. I have never played this game nor have I seen it, Loafy says she played in college and they did it naked. That's probably why I've never seen it, I didn't go to college. Anyway a person puts a quarter in their butt crack and walks with it to a cup and drops the quarter into the cup! Oh My God, I laughed so hard. Loafy was saying when she played they would drop the quarter into a glass of beer and if they made it they could pick the person who had to drink the beer. YUCK! I don't think I would have played, just getting naked in front of people would have kept me out of the game. 

I was up way too late, and slept too late, ate up most of my day sleeping.

I received a call tonight, Rhory's pregnant! I'm not sure how I feel about it, I'm really happy and excited for her, she has been wanting to have a baby ever since I have known her but I also feel a little hmmm unsettled about it. I've known Rhory since 1995, we were friends for 5 years and then started a relationship which lasted 3 years. After our relationship ended we have remained really close friends. It just seems odd to me, someone I have known that long and has always been a lesbian decides one day that she's going to start dating men. It almost feels as if our relationship was fake. I know that's not true but it still feels that way. I was the first person she has told besides her baby's daddy that she's pregnant, she hasn't even told her family yet. She plans on telling everyone this week. I am really happy for her and I can see her having a little girl, a little Rhory. It's going to be fun to share that experience with her. I hope everything works out with her and Rick, I have yet to meet him. Maybe once I meet him I will feel better about it. It's seems weird that I'm unsettled about her having a baby with a man, hell that's the natural way to do it, I know I would have no issues if she were in a relationship with a woman and got pregnant. Something new I've discovered about myself, I think I'll have to think on it a little more. 

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