Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sometimes I Just Don't Understand...

One minute my life is moving along nice and easy and the next minute I have people getting all pissy with me. In the last week I have had people get angry with me for things I have absolutely no control over. Now how do you defend yourself when you have no control of the actions of others. I'm not one to defend myself anyway, I figure if someone is mad at me then they need to deal with their feelings and we can resolve the issue when they are no longer angry. I do not like being blamed for things I did not do and for things other people are responsible for. And then instead of talking to me, they just send nastygrams, not even a phone call. Do NOT send me an email if you are upset with something you think I have done, you need to at least pick up the phone. Or better yet talk to me face to face. Passive aggressive behavior drives me nuts! If you cannot say something to my face then do not send it in an email, do not say it behind my back, just keep it to yourself and deal with your feelings. 

Anger to me is just a cover up for other feelings, find out what they are and handle it. Whew, I guess I'm a little pissy now. I need to let it go and allow them to deal with their issues. 

Steelers just won the SuperBowl! YAY, I bet Marlayna is a happy camper, I'll have to give her a call. Val's going to be bumming, she put money on Arizona. I'm happy they won, I like Pittsburgh. I did not watch much of the game and I spent a considerable amount of time getting set up for it. I hauled the TV and the cozy chair upstairs so I could be comfortable. My big TV is in the basement and it's too cold down there. I should probably have ridden my bike for a while and watched it that way but Sunday's are my relaxation day and I wouldn't want to mess up my system by exercising out of order ;) I drank way too much beer this weekend so I've probably gained back the three pounds I just lost. 

I have another busy week ahead of me so I am off to bed early tonight. 

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