Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday night

Just a quick post to keep with my NY resolution. No more closing the curling club on a Friday night. I sleep too late on Saturdays, today I did not get up until after 0800 which cut into my ability to get my chores done. I was planning to attend the Royal Slacker Grand Match this afternoon but didn't make it. I spent most of the day cleaning and doing laundry then ran errands, made dinner and worked out. Man are my muscles sore, I guess that means I'm doing something.

I'll be heading out of town in a couple days so I'm trying to get everything done before I leave. The next three days are going to be hectic.

I think we finally have our Denver plans set. We leave February 20th and return sometime March 1st. Loafy says she loves to drive so I say let her. I cannot imagine what it will be like to spend 12 hours in the car with Loafy and Margeaux it will either be fun as hell or we'll drive each other crazy.

Ok, I gotta get to bed, I'm exhausted, my body hurts and 0430 comes around real quick. I am seriously getting old, it's only 2115 on a Saturday night and I'm talking about going to bed.

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