Thursday, August 21, 2008

Walking the line

This morning I participated in a demonstration calling attention to a new retail store named Goin' Postal.  I'm sure whoever came up with that name thought it was a great idea but they failed to realize the impact it would have on employees of the United States Postal Service.  He/she failed to realize that people died. It's not a joke. Thirteen people died* in 17 minutes and the media coined the phrase "going postal" It's not funny. 

At 0930 we boarded three buses, each one heading to a separate store. When we arrived we formed a line and walked the block in front of the store for about an hour and a half.  The temperature outside was well over 100 degrees but it did not stop us from our mission. The employees inside the Goin' Postal store were not happy, they shouted at us, took pictures of us and they called the police. The police had already been notified by us prior to our demonstration so they just spoke with the woman and let her know we had a right to protest. 

It has been a very long time since I participated in any type of demonstration so it was a lot of fun for me. 

oops made a mistake 14 people died that day, the shooter killed himself


1 comment:

Kim said...

so what was the store selling? guns? ;)