Saturday, August 16, 2008


I walked through an art gallery this morning and was stopped in my tracks in front of a photo. I must have stood there 10 minutes just staring at the photo. It was a simple photo of an elephant and a tree but it made tears come to my eyes. It was as though that photo was put there for me; it spoke directly to my soul. l understood in that moment that some times in order to move forward you need to back up. I came to the conclusion that in order for me to move forward I need to back up and take a different route.

As I continued through the gallery I came to another photo that caught my eye, it was of a place I had been to back in 2000; a time of great stress and unhappiness in my life. Is this artist talking to me? The location in the second photo is of a spot on Ocean Road in Australia. I took a picture of the same rock formations when I was there. Does this mean I need to go back all the way to the year 2000? Eight years?

I can't say what it will do for anyone else but if you get a chance take a look at the photos of artist Peter Lik. Who knows, maybe you will find answers to questions you didn't know you were asking. 

I was in Las Vegas in August of 2000 and I'm in Las Vegas in August when I see these photos.
Peter Lik is an Australian.

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