Thursday, August 14, 2008

my new nemesis

The dreaded Japanese beetle, those little bastards are all over my marigolds. So far they have remained in one garden area but if the stories are true they are birthin' babies in my lawn! I've done some research and it ain't promising. It seems the pesticides they use to get rid of the Japanese beetles will also kill off all the beneficial bugs so that's out of the question for me. There are some really gross ways to get rid of them; I can get insect eating nematodes - microscopic parasitic round worms which actively seek out the beetles in their grub stage. There is a parasitic wasp that is a natural enemy of the beetle.  It is all gross and disgusting and I have enough bug issues already without thinking about microscopic parasitic round worms in my yard. There are also traps you can put out and I am thinking about going that route.  You set the traps and it attracts beetles from all over so I could get even more beetles in the yard but the idea I have is to set the traps in the yard of the house next door. The house has been vacant for over a year so I don't think it would be a big deal.  I could put a couple traps out; one in the front yard and one in the back. Attract all the beetles from the 'hood and get rid of them. I'm going to find out where to get the traps, how much they cost and what it takes to set them up. YUCK! I hate bugs! Especially the ones that eat my flowers, I'll get those little rat bastards!

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