Thursday, August 28, 2008

Las Vegas

I think enough time has passed since I returned from Las Vegas that I can talk about it. Not that it was a bad trip or anything I was just so out of sorts. I think that might have been part of my problem last night when I could not sleep. I did finally doze off around 5:30 only to wake up to my brother getting up for work. When I discovered it was raining I decided sleep past my 6 am wake up call, I stayed in bed until around 0900. 

Anyway, as I was saying, Viva Las Vegas. I flew out on Friday, August 15, 2008 and landed in Las Vegas around 4 PM Vegas time. After collecting my luggage, my bike case came down the carousel with the rest of the luggage, I was quite surprised by that, I then caught a taxi with 3 other people from my local union. 

Let me back up a minute, I went to Vegas for an American Postal Workers Union (APWU) convention. The purpose of the convention was to make and pass resolutions to our union constitution and by-laws as well as proposing and passing resolutions for the next contract negotiations. 

We arrived at Bally's Hotel and Casino, checked in and I headed off to my room.  After I got myself comfortable in my room I called a couple friends who were in town on holiday. They were heading to New York, New York for a show and we agreed to meet afterwards. This worked out fine as it gave me time to get my bike unpacked and assembled. I also had time to grab a bite to eat and get a few free beers in the Casino. Ann Marie and Jody called around 2130 and we met at the Paris Hotel and Casino for drinks. 

Saturday I had the morning free and decided to explore Las Vegas Blvd. I took a leisurely stroll North on the boulevard, weaving my way in and out of shops and Casinos. I ran into Ann Marie, Jody and two of their friends in the Venetian; they had just finished lunch and were planning a ride on the gondolas. I offered to take pictures then I needed to get back to my hotel as I had a meeting at 1300.  

I was in a Maintenance Craft conference meeting from 1300 until about 1700, then went to my room, dropped off my things and headed out to find food. I spent a few hours taking in the sights and sounds of Las Vegas, did a little gambling and then turned in early.

Sunday I was in meetings all day; the conference finally let out around 1700. After chillin' in my room for a while I met up with one of my union people and we did dinner at the Harley Davidson Diner. The food was surprisingly good. We parted ways after dinner and I went on a photo shoot of The Strip. 

Monday was a super long day, my first meeting started at 0800 and my last meeting ended at 2130, needless to say I did not do much else that day.

Tuesday I was up early and on my bike, I took a nice cruise around Las Vegas and returned to my room in time to shower, dress and grab a bite to eat before heading to my first meeting at 1000. I was in the convention until 1600, then back to my room to drop off my things and head outside to warm up. The convention hall along with every other aspect of the hotel is freezing. The outside temperature in Las Vegas was an average of 107 degrees during the day and it would cool off to 80 or 90 degrees at night, but it's a dry heat ;)

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday were more of the same, ride my bike in the morning before it got too hot and in the convention from 1000 until 1600, except Thursday the convention started at 1300 as a group of us went to protest the Goin' Postal retail stores. 

Friday my friends Kathy and Shirley came into town and we met up in the evening. They met me at my hotel and we had some drinks and did some gambling then strolled down the Strip in search of food.  It was great to see them. 

Saturday Kathy came over to my hotel room, and did my hair. YAY! finally some color, I was getting pretty bored with the grey thing, it washed out my face too much. After the hair project I finished packing up my bike. Shirley arrived shortly afterwards and the three of use went down to the Flamingo Hotel and dropped my bike off at the UPS store then we did some sightseeing and met Shirley's son and two of his friends for lunch. After lunch Kathy, Shirley and I took off for a little action on the Strip, we strolled the casinos and did some gambling. Imagine that gambling and drinking in Las Vegas. We decided that Sunday we would all get up early and head to the Hoover Dam. Kathy and Shirley took off early to head back to their hotel and I cruised the Strip a little more, taking more pictures. 

Sunday, I checked out of my hotel room and Kathy and Shirley picked me up around 0630. We drove to Boulder City and had breakfast then continued to the Hoover Dam. The Hoover Dam is in my top 5 places I love to visit. There is just something about it, I don't know maybe because it was built in the Art Deco era and that is my favorite architecture or maybe I helped build the Dam in a past life? Who knows but I love the place.  I can spend hours there and this time we took the tour and actually went down into the Dam. It was fantastic! I had such a great time. We spent several hours exploring the Dam then headed back to Las Vegas. We went back to Kathy and Shirley's hotel as I did not have a room any longer.  Shirley took a nap and Kathy and I went to the pool to relax for a bit.  

Rhory called around 1630, she and Diane had just arrived at the airport and they were on their way to the Tropicana Hotel.  Kathy, Shirley and I headed to the Tropicana to meet them. Let the party begin!

After meeting up with Rhory and Diane we dropped our luggage in the room and all did some gambling and drinking at the Tropicana. Rhory was hot on the roulette table and when it came time for us to leave to make our dinner reservation she did not want to go. She handed me two chips and asked me to turn them in and put the money in my pocket for dinner, they were each $100 chips, I did as directed. We agreed to give Rhory 10 more minutes on the table and while I waited I dropped a 10 dollar bill in the penny slots, Jackpot! 20,000 pennies, I played until I got to $210 and cashed out with nice $200 profit.

We all piled into Shirley's SUV and headed to Batista's Hole in the Wall, one of my all time favorite places to eat in Las Vegas. Dinner was fantastic and we celebrated Diane's birthday, Rhory picked up the entire tab with her roulette winnings!!!! Thank you so much. 

After dinner Kathy and Shirley dropped Rhory, Diane and I off at the Tropicana and headed back to their hotel, they were heading back to San Diego early in the morning. Now it was time for some serious party action. Rhory gave me a quick lesson on roulette and Diane headed off to play the slots. Rhory and I were on the roulette table for quite some time, we were on our 4th dealer when we decided to call it quits.  I will say I never had an empty beer bottle the entire time I sat at that table, the service was fantastic. I was up $125 and Rhory was up over $500 when we walked away, a great night of gambling. We located Diane, had a few more beers and I called it  quits around 2 AM. I have no idea what time Rhory and Diane ended their night. 

Monday Rhory had a slots tournament to register for so we headed out fairly early to get that taken care of.  Her first session was at 1030, what a riot, it was so much fun to watch them compete. After Rhory finished her first session it was off to the pool! We spent the next several hours poolside, drinking beers and eating bad food. Rhory, Diane and I thought about getting married, it's only $99 and the chapel is right there next to the pool but we couldn't decide who should marry whom so we just decided to have another beer instead; probably a good idea. 

Rhory had another slot tournament session at 1430 so we headed back to the Casino, showered and changed clothes. I again watched Rhory compete.  Afterwards we all took a little nap then hit the Strip!  Diane and I went for the 99 cent margaritas, Rhory will drink nothing but Miller Lite. We had a fantastic time walking up and down Las Vegas Blvd, watching people, collecting cards, drinking, gambling and enjoying all the decadence Las Vegas has to offer. We had one shadow cross over our evening that I really don't want to talk about but let's just say I thought the man was going to die right in front of us, luckily the ambulance arrived in time and he did not die. We went back to our hotel, did a little more gambling and had a couple more beers then called it a night. 

Tuesday, my day to fly home and I was more than ready to leave. I spent most of the day relaxing and chillin' at the pool. Eleven days in Vegas is about 8 days too many. I had a fun time with my friends and learned a lot about my union. Met Barack Obama via video link and decided he's my man for president. Participated in a demonstration, won some money gambling and had lots of laughs.  My stomach hurt after our Monday night adventure. I was able to spend time at one of my favorite places, the Hoover Dam. Met a number of new people, did some networking and best of all I rode my bike down Las Vegas Blvd!


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