Sunday, August 17, 2008

Las Vegas

I've been to Vegas lots of times but this time it's different.  I don't know why; maybe because I'm here with people I don't really know working for a union I fought against for 11 years and now I represent or maybe it's because I'm walking down the strip alone watching people and taking the time to really look at them, who knows?  But something I realized on this trip is that Vegas touches a part of your soul, it has to otherwise why on earth would anyone travel from every state in the union and every country on the globe to this City of Sin?

As I walked down the Strip (Las Vegas Blvd) this morning I realized society has rules, ideas and beliefs dictating how we should live our lives and whether we agree or not they still affect us. When you're in Vegas you can leave it all "back home" and do whatever you want virtually guilt free. There's gambling, sex and liquor anytime any place; nothing closes here.  Hell you can get a pizza delivered at 3 AM if you want one. It doesn't matter whether it's 10 AM or 10 PM the streets are full, the boys are out with their "cards" and the casinos are calling.

Ahh there's nothing better than guilt free decadence.  Time to go now; I need to place my annual bet on the Superbowl.

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