Thursday, August 28, 2008


$262 billion
U.S. trade deficit with China in 2007, up from $84 billion in 2001

2.3 million
Number of U.S. jobs lost or displaced from 2001-07 as a result of unbalanced trade with China

Share of jobs statewide lost or displaced from 2001-07 as a result of trade deficit with China. Minnesota is among the 12 hardest hit states in the nation.

source: Economic Policy Institute

If that doesn't get your dander up Wal-Mart is telling their employees who to vote for in the November elections. It's illegal for employers to advocate for political candidates to hourly employees, and American Rights at Work, an organization committed to workers' rights to organize unions and bargain collectively, is calling for an investigation. 

Don't let Wal-Mart get away with electioneering. Sign the petition online at American Rights at Work. Click on the "Take Action" link, then look for the not-so-smiley face that resembles Wal-Marts logo. 

While you're at it go ahead and sign the petition in support of the Employee Free Choice Act as well.

Remember Labor Day is next Monday

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