Sunday, July 20, 2008


I've always loved words and developed a love for reading at a young age.  I think this is something I got from my dad, I have never known him to not be reading a book, usually more than one.  As a child I remember my dad always reading at night, it seemed that he never slept. He was always awake reading at the kitchen table when I would go to bed and up and gone for the day when I woke up.  Throughout my childhood it did not matter what time I came home at night my father would be up reading usually with a bowl of ice cream or eating peanut butter. And always with a cup of coffee.  To this day my dad drinks coffee all day and all night. He never said to me "read a book" or anything it's just something I picked up from him.  It intrigued me to see him read so much, I guess I figured there had to be something to it. 

As far back as I can remember I have always been reading a book, it does not matter what the subject is.  I have my favorites but will read pretty much anything I can get my hands on and love to read things that other people are reading.  I always get a kick out of what my friends, family or co-workers are reading, it's like an inside view of their minds.  It seems to give me a better understanding of the person. So it's great with they pass along the books they have read, especially when it is one of their favorites. 

And words, I look for new words all the time and love it when I have to look them up in the dictionary.  I remember the first time I saw the word chaos written, I had no idea how to pronounce it, I kept trying to say it with the ch sound like in church. I finally had to ask my dad and once he said the word I knew the meaning and have never forgotten it.  Another word that perplexed me the first time I saw it was cul-de-sac, not only did I not have a clue as to how to say it I did not know what it was.  There were no cul-de-sacs in my neighborhood. 

So today I bring you my "words of the day" I even had to look a couple up in the dictionary. 
Enjoy :)

Impervious, schadenfreude, comeuppance, geopolitical, wherewithal, botulinum toxin, cavalierly, stagflation, intertextual.

Appreciate your uniqueness... 

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