Friday, July 25, 2008

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Sheriff Joe Arpaio has a unique take on how to deal with criminals.  I can't say that I disagree with him.  I think some of our laws need to be changed for example legalize drugs and throw out the laws based on someone's moral ideas such as sodomy and prostitution. If we changed just a few things we could open up the prisons for the "real" criminals. 

I also do NOT believe in the death penalty, it is just plain wrong!  No one has the right to take the life of another human being, no way, no how! Once you have taken the person's life you have set them free, they no longer have to deal with their crime(s). No restitution, no penalty, they go free, there is no punishment in death. And what about the person who injects the criminal or flips the switch have they not just committed the same crime? If killing someone is a crime what difference is there in the method? The only person who has the right to take your life is yourself. 

This train of thought brings me down an entirely different path.  The idea of responsibility...I take full responsibility for everything that happens in my life.  I believe I created it therefore I am responsible for it, good or bad.  One of the things that bothers me the most is when someone does not take responsibility for their life.  "Oh it must be Gods will" this statement comes flying out anytime something bad happens.  But step back if something good happens then "ooh I must have done something right." "I'm a good person."  NO, you create both the good and the bad, take responsibility! If  your life sucks, take responsibility and change it, if your life is good take credit for that too. You are just as responsible for being a winner as a loser, a victim as an oppressor, you created this life for better or for worse. We all create our lives based on our thoughts, ideas, beliefs and emotions.  Just think for a moment about Santa Claus, remember when you were a small child?  You believed totally that there was a Santa (that is if your family was Christian) you saw him everywhere, tried real hard to be good.  What happened?  You grew up and discovered there was no Santa.  See if you believe in something, it's real, no questions asked. As you grow you discover that you can make things happen, you just have to believe. 

Most people don't want to take responsibility, that's what brings us to organized religion. And now I've gotten completely off my subject of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, check him out and let me know what you think. 

Remember you created it...

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