Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Not to offend anyone with mental health issues but I have had one hellacious week full of high highs and low lows.  I personally think it is easier to deal with a really crappy week or a really good week but one with the ups and downs I can't seem to get a handle on. Example:  I had several really good rides this past week but sustained an injury yesterday that will keep me from riding for the next couple days. I even had to drive to work today, not such a bad thing, I did get to stop for a large vanilla Latte with an extra shot of espresso which I cannot do when I ride my bike. 

My co-worker has been on vacation last week, this week and will continue to be so until the end of next week so I have had to do his job in addition to mine. I'm trying to save someone from losing her job, if I fail to pull the case together she will be out of work. We have a big ass audit coming on July 16, which I need to be prepared for and I have to squeeze all of this into an 8 hour day!  Talk about a wee bit of stress and you know my favorite stress reliever besides beer is riding my bike which I cannot do. 

The bike shop called today to tell me the helmet I ordered will not be ready until the end of August.  The end of August! what the hell good will that do me?  If I wanted to change colors I could maybe get it at the beginning of August, again what good does that do me?  I'll be in Nevada the better part of August.

Wait a minute maybe this is turning into a crappy week and I was just having high hopes??? I mean it is only Wednesday.  I think I need an attitude adjustment, I'll go to bed early, meditate on happy thoughts.  I couldn't ride my bike today but I did go to the bike shop and purchase some things for my bike which I can install tomorrow and get prepared for my ride on Sunday, I got my laundry and grocery shopping done. Tomorrow is my Friday and I have a three day weekend.  Hopefully I will be riding Friday morning, Saturday I'm going to a cabin party and Sunday I have the Tour of Saints ride.  Hell I'm feeling better already! Forget everything I said, this is going to be a fantastic week.  I already got the crappy part over ;)

I'm going to bed and start fresh in the morning, I can look forward to another vanilla latte!  


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