Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'm not a nap taker, my little brother is, he takes a nap every day when he gets home from work, but not me.  I get up at 0430 every morning no matter what time I go to bed at night, the alarm goes off at 0430 and I am up, I head off to work, come home and continue on my day until I crawl into bed.

Today however, I took a nap.  I have completely burnt myself out the last couple weeks. Going non-stop from sun up to sun down. I think my body finally said "ENOUGH!" I've injured myself twice; once last week and once this week so I'm thinking my lack of snooze time is affecting me in a physical manner. 

My normal routine is to come home, let the dog out, put down some kibbles, put my things away and relax a bit then make dinner and finish reading the newspaper.  Well, today while attempting to read the paper I could not keep my eyes open, I kept nodding off so finally I gave up. I decided I obviously need a nap.  I turned on the fan, laid down and took a nice little nap, now I'll probably be up all night but I can at least finish reading the paper. Beings it's my Friday I can stay up late do some chores and sleep in tomorrow.  I have a ride planned in the afternoon and a fund raiser in the evening.

I don't think I'll make a habit of this nap thing but it sure was nice :)

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