Saturday, July 19, 2008


Let me start off with saying, I like kids, they are highly entertaining and I've learned a lot from them over the years.  But let me tell you there are places they do not belong like at the grocery store when I'm trying to get my groceries. Over the years I have found great humor in kids at the store like the little boy who was messing with the fruit. I could tell he was trying hard not to let his mom see what he was doing.  I know he did not know that I was watching him as he strolled along in the fruit aisles messing with all of the fruit.  Thankfully I had already gotten what I needed.  When he came to the tomatoes I knew I was in for a show.  Sure enough he did not disappoint me.  He squeezed a cherry tomato until it popped and went right in his face and eyes.  hee hee hee. The poor boy could not say anything because he knew if he did he would be in trouble, so he had to walk around wiping the tomato seeds off his face.  And the little girl who was making the most God awful noises embarrassing her mom, I had to laugh out loud at that one.  But those are the exceptions, most of the children in the grocery store are out of control.  I cannot believe how kids act in public, if I did that as a child I would have gotten my ass whipped. 

Today was a prime example, I'm in a hurry and just wanted to pick up a few things to get me through the next week.  I get in the check out line and there is a women and 4 kids, three out of the cart and one in the cart just checking out. Right in front of me is another woman whom I found out was with the them. The woman with the kids checks out and is packing her groceries, the woman directly in front of me has only a few items, that's why I picked the lane, so she pushes her cart out of the way. I get to the cashier and push, well I attempt to push my cart through so I can start packing right away.  The kids are all in the way, they start playing with big ass bouncing balls and the balls are flying all over the place.  They don't move as I try to get around them, the mom does not say a word to them and that is when I discover the woman directly ahead of me was with them, she tries to corral the kids but they don't listen.  I'm finally able to get my cart around them and over to my side of the conveyor.  I start packing my groceries amid bouncing balls and wild children.  The mom ignores them and allows them to do whatever.  The teller rings me out and I try to get back to her to pay but I can't get around the kids.  Little bastards!  I make a quick dodge around one and get to the teller, pay my bill and have to fight my way back to my groceries.  I pack up as quickly as possible and get the hell out.  The mother of those kids never said a word to them. They were all over the place.  

Why do people bring kids to the grocery store, it's not like they want to go.  There should be adult only times at the store, so people like me can get in, buy our groceries and get back out without having to deal with the kids. If  you can't keep them under control, don't bring them out in public, that's what duct tape is for. :) kidding ok not really. 

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