Monday, June 2, 2008


Whew, can't believe it's June already, time just keeps speeding up. I have the MS150 ride coming up this weekend, June 7 & 8, I'm really looking forward to it.  Last weekend I put on over 100 miles riding on Friday and Saturday.  It is so nice to get back to riding for pleasure, the last couple years I have been riding hard and not really enjoying it. Riding with AG was like being in a competition all the time, I felt as though I had to be speeding along and could never enjoy the sights and sounds around me.  Now I ride at my own pace and enjoy it all, take breaks when I want, stop to watch the sunset, people, animals, have lunch with a friend, its wonderful. Thanks to GT showing me some great trails around the Lakes in Minneapolis. 

Next week I plan to step it up with my mountain biking.  I have been mostly concentrating on road riding to get ready for this MS ride but when that's finished I want to dedicate more time to off road riding.  I really need to practice, practice, practice.  I plan to dedicate my Friday mornings to riding and learning the technical parts of off road riding. There are enough trails close to home I should find a variety. I have the Chequamegon Short and Fat race in September that TB and I were fortunate enough to get into.  I would really love to beat last years time by at least 10 minutes, 15 would be even better. I am also hoping to do the Ore to Shore race in August but I need to find someone to come with me.  I could go alone but the drive is pretty far and I would rather not go alone.  


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