Saturday, June 14, 2008

Product Recommendation

Ok, so I'm cleaning my bike today, I went for a nice long 60 ride this morning and have not cleaned my bike since before the MS150 ride, it was truly a mess.  I cleaned off all the road scum and was applying lube to the chain when some grease found it's way onto the floor.  I tried to wipe it up but only succeeded in smearing it all over my hardwood floor.  Take note: garages are for cleaning bikes not bedrooms.  Anyway, as I was saying; there was grease on the floor and I had it all over my hands, I took my flip flops off so I would not track the grease all over the house. I went to the basement, another good place to clean your bike if you don't like the garage again not in the bedroom.  I get to the laundry room and use the handy dandy Lemon GOJO Hand Cleaner, presto! My hands are clean.  I head back upstairs only to discover there is a track of black nasty grease from the bedroom, down the hall, across the kitchen and down the basement steps.  What the Hell! I had a big ol' gob of it on my left foot. I try to wipe it up with a damp cloth, no luck. A light bulb goes on in my head; Lemon GOJO Hand Cleaner. I head back down stairs, get a cloth, grab the tub of Lemon GOJO Hand Cleaner and retrace my steps.  What do you know, it cleans it right up, no smears, nothing!  I used it on the ceramic tile in the kitchen and the hardwood floors in the hallway and bedroom worked like a charm.  For less than $4 you can have an 18 oz tub of Lemon GOJO Hand Cleaner. Great investment. Go out and get yourself some today.

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