Friday, June 20, 2008


Whew, finally a morning without a flippin' headache.  Wednesday I was hit with a nasty one, put me right out of commission. I was fine in the morning but by the time I got home from work I could hardly keep my eyes open.  

So here's the deal, I have had a headache every day since 1992, not a fun thing but manageable. They started out really nasty, I would have to lay down at least once a day to get rid of it. Over the years I have done everything under the sun to manage the pain.  Tried prescription meds, they just made me sick and paranoid, tried self medication, same problem, went to a pain management clinic and physical therapy for about 3 years.  Learned to change my life and just live with the pain.  Eventually the nasty ass knock me out headaches lessoned and now it only happens about once a month and Wednesday was this months headache.  I can usually find relief by laying flat on my back and meditating but for some reason nothing was working on Wednesday.  I was really bummed out because I wanted to go riding Wednesday night.  I laid down for about 2 hours then tried to get up, I even put on my riding gear but it was not going to happen.  I laid back down for another hour then got up and tried to go out for a spin on my road bike every bump I hit was like a shock wave to my head I finally said fuck it and went home.  I was in bed and sleeping by 2130 and that never happens.  

Thursday morning things were much better and today it's back to normal.  All things considered if I had to have a nasty ass headache I guess Wednesday was the best day for it. Yesterday I had to go to Normandale and pick up my ride packet and today I have tons of chores to get done before the ride this weekend.

I'm doing the Breast Cancer Ride, riding from Normandale Community College to Treasure Island Casino and back to raise money for the Open Arms organization. I'm really looking forward to the ride and a headache simply would not have fit into the plans. 

that's all...

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