Tuesday, June 17, 2008


One of my co-workers informed me yesterday that if you don't get enough sleep you will gain weight. He said he had  been watching something on TV, I don't remember the name of the show, my television has not been turned on is so long I don't know if it even works. Anyway, it was one of those fake news shows. You know the ones that think what they have to say is really important when in fact it's mostly BS, like dateline or something.  Anyway, as I was saying he was watching a show on TV and it was about people who do not sleep enough and how they gain weight.  The idea is that your body needs energy and if you are not sleeping then it needs to get it some other way, so people eat to stay awake.  OK, I can buy that, I don't sleep and I eat about every two hours from the time I wake up (0430) until about 6 PM. I'm 45 years old, I'm 63.50 inches in height and weigh 140 pounds. My body fat is 20.3%, my body mass index (BMI) is 24.6 so I'm thinking all I would have to do to lose a few pounds would be to sleep more.  According to this study people who sleep more eat less.  One of my goals for this year is to sleep more so I can kill two birds with one stone, sleep more, lose weight.  I'm going to try it.  At this time I average around 5 hours of sleep a night, up from 4 hours 6 months ago.  I'm going to try to add one more hour to my night of sleep and see what happens.  This would be perfect, I keep thinking I need to stop drinking beer so I can lose a few pounds, now I can still drink beer and just sleep more.  I wonder if naps count and if so how long does the nap need to be??? My co-worker is using the study at home, he told his wife he needs a nap after work so he can lose weight.  I would need to get to bed by 2200 in order to get 6 hours of sleep, it took me 6 months to get from 4 hours a night to 5 so lets check back in December to see the results.

Until then sleep more, eat less and don't give up the beer.

peace and good night.

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