Friday, May 30, 2008

Whew what a week

I think I finally leeched all of the alcohol from my body today.  Let's see, last Friday I started to get ready for my BBQ planned for Sunday.  I went for a bike ride in the morning, then came home and did chores around the house.  RRC came over in the evening and we had beers together and made final plans for Sunday's BBQ.

Saturday I worked in the yard all day, putting down wood chips, cutting the grass, installing yard lights so on and so forth.  RRC came over Saturday evening and we made a liquor store run.  We decided we needed to taste test the beer to ensure it was OK to serve to our guests.

Sunday!  The morning was spent getting everything prepared.  RRC was the best without her I could never have pulled this off.  RRC and I cracked open our first beers around noon, lesson learned when you are a light weight like me, don't crack open a beer at noon, you will be drunk by the time your guests arrive.  

The first guests arrived right about 5 PM and the festivities began.  It was great to see everyone. A storm blew in and sent everyone running for the house, very exciting!  It did not last long and we were able to head back out to the yard. Fires were started, drinks and conversations were flowing, it was a fun night. 

Memorial Day was spent recovering from Sunday's BBQ.  I did go to the cemetery with KH and SM to visit Miss Marly, then we parted ways and I headed to my brothers grave.  If you have to visit a cemetery, go early on Memorial Day, the flags are out and it feels like a parade.  

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