Sunday, May 18, 2008

Gay marriage

I seems every time I open a Newspaper there is a story about Gay Marriage.  I just don't understand, how can two people getting married effect someone else's marriage.  It's not about religion, it's about equal rights! I fully believe that Church's have the right to refuse to marry people for whatever reason they ordain.  If your church will not marry you, find a different church. Get "married" by a Justice of the Peace.  It happened to my brother, the church they attended before they were married would not marry them because his fiance had a child (not my brother's) out of wedlock.  So they went to a different church, not a big deal.  Who in their right mind wants to go to a church that will not marry them anyways???? 

This whole defense of marriage thing, what is up with that?!?! If you are married what is there to defend, it's not like someone is trying to take it away from you. The United States of America was founded and fought for to ensure our Liberty, men and women died for it, they are still dying to protect our freedom and the freedom of others.  How on earth can we continue to treat people with discrimination and hatred in our own country? How can our government even think of passing laws that blatantly discriminate against it's own people? I just don't understand. 

We all have our belief systems, things we think are right and wrong but who are we to tell someone else how to live their lives, who to love? How can we push our moral beliefs onto someone else and make laws based on them?  How did our country get to this point? 


 You live by YOUR moral beliefs and I will live by mine. I will not push mine onto you, don't push yours onto me and we can all get along just fine. 

My God is about peace, love and freedom, I live in the light. 

Come to the light....

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