Saturday, May 10, 2008

Allianz MS ride

Crawled out of bed at 0600 today, grabbed a quick shower then started breakfast. MA arrived around 0730 for chow. VB and TB along with Raleigh the dog showed up a wee bit later.  By 0810 we were out the door, on our bikes and headed to the community center.  After checking in we hit the road about 0830.  We stayed together for awhile but then VB and TB pulled ahead.  We all met up again at the first rest stop.  After about a mile VB, TB and MA pulled ahead and I found myself riding alone which was good with me; my right knee was bothering me and I did not want to continue the pace they were setting.  I figured I would catch them at the next rest stop.  

I arrived at the next stop and never did see the girls again.  After leaving the stop I turned left instead of right and after a couple miles discovered the fact that I was on the 60 mile route and not the 30 mile route.  I did not have the ambition to ride 60 miles so I had to turn around and find the correct route.  I was not too far off, and quickly got back in the 30 mile ride.  At the last stop I took a nice long break, then proceeded to the finish.  

Everyone came back to my house for beer, pizza and socializing.  AMH and JS came over to visit as well.  It was a fun afternoon.  The weather was great for the ride, rain started around 1300 and continued the rest of the day but we were already well into the beer and pizza by that time. The gang left around 4 PM so Lash and I powered lounged for a couple hours on the couch.  Nothing like beer and pizza after a bike ride.  Speaking of pizza I'm off to find the leftovers...



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