Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 14!

WooHoo, today is the last day of the detox/cleanse program. All in all it was pretty easy, the most difficult part was giving up the Ibuprofen. I'm going to try to stay off the stuff so I'll have a better idea of how the diet is working. It's kind of scary how much I was taking. If nothing else comes of this detox/cleanse program just recognizing my use was a good thing.

I went all week with no liquor which was actually easy. Monday I had a CPR class, I curled at 9 on Tuesday and left right after our game. Wednesday Rhory and RJ came to the club so I was busy hanging with them and didn't have any after game drinks. Tonight I came home finished making some delicious Island Black Bean soup, ate dinner then met Valerie at the museum for a movie, came home, cut my hair and the night was done. I do miss my glass of wine at the end of my day but there's nothing that says I can't have one :)

Pain Management Diet - things have been going smoothly, I'm still making adjustments to my diet. Now that I've completed the detox/cleanse program I'm ready to get serious about my diet. Next up is focusing on processed foods, I'm working on cutting them out. This will probably prove to be the most difficult. Veggie burgers have been a staple in my diet for years, and they are so easy to take to work for lunch. I'm reading recipes now to figure out how to make them myself. So far this week I've eaten at home every night and taken leftovers to work for lunch.

My coffee intake was reduced to three cups a day this week, next week I'll be down to 2 cups a day! Hopefully by the end of the month I will have cut coffee out of my life. I'll still have a cup now and again but no more every day coffee consumption.

I've also signed up for a Qigong (pronounced chee gong) class, I don't know much about this but it looks like something right up my alley. I'll be starting the class next month and will post more about it as I go along.

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