Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Morning Weigh In

Ok, I've put this off long enough! I have not weighed myself since, I don't know when, I'd have to look back at past posts. Anyway, this morning was it, I had to step on the scale. I was seriously apprehensive, I've been eating and drinking way too much the past month. February was nothing but a festival of decadent behavior.

I avoided the scale until just before I jumped into the shower which was after about 4 cups of coffee, that way I could always use the excuse of "water weight" ;)

Todays weight: 140 lbs. whew, not as bad as I thought. Yes, it sets me back but not as far as I thought I would be. I'm right back to the beginning with 48 days left to reach my goal. This is going to be tough, I still have two bonspiels to get through.

The USWCA 5 and Under is this weekend and the clubs 5 and Under is at the end of the month. I better get my ass out on the bike, whether it be on the trainer or not!

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