Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Changing of the Guards

Wow, guess I blew that New Year's resolution. I haven't posted here for quite some time.

Tomorrow is the changing of the guards in the union office. I won my election but the other guys on my ticket did not so that kinda sucks. I had coffee with the new Craft Director last week, he asked if I would meet with him for a chat. He came with hat in hand, very humble wanting me to help him out. He pretty much admitted that he has no clue on how to process grievances or what to do in his new position. He was really relieved when I informed him that I was certified to process cases at level 1 and 2 and also that I had taken the Labor courses at the U of M. I let him know that I plan to continue the work I've been doing for the past couple years and that I'm willing to help him out.

He explained that he was pissed off about an overtime issue and that's why he ran for office. Exactly what I thought.

I'm trying to stay open minded about the whole thing, my first obligation is to the people I represent. There are some in the office who are seriously pissed off and are refusing to help the new administration and several people have resigned their positions effective April 1st. I'm just not that kind of person. I figure if I train in the new guy then he'll do things my way, it's a win win situation for me.

It also allows me to keep an eye on what's going on, these are the people with the sweetheart deals. I think it's funny that I'm the one who busted up this guys overtime deal with management, and now he's coming to me asking for help.

It should prove to be an interesting day in the office.

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