Thursday, August 30, 2007


I almost forgot to write about my weekend in Duluth. I drove up with Val and Tara on Friday. We got into town a little late, checked into the hotel/motel holiday inn then went across the parking lot to the corner bar and met some of their team people. All three of us were a bit tired so we did not stay long, had a couple beers then back to the hotel/motel holiday inn.

Saturday we slept late, at least for me it was late. Anything past 4:30 AM is late for me. Their first game was at 10 AM, we headed to the ball fields around 8:30. We watched some games then Val and Tara needed to get ready for their game. It was fun, I ran into a number of old friends. After their game, I don't remember if they won or lost, I think they lost, we tried to locate a restaurant they had been to before. We were unable to locate it so we went to Pizza Luce, my favorite place. After lunch we went back to the hotel/motel/holiday inn and chilled out. We went back to the ballfields for their second game, I think they lost that one too. We watched more softball we had dinner at a Mexican place then went back to the hotel/motel/holiday inn to change and meet people out at JT's bar. The bar was pretty empty when we got there. We each had a shot for Kathy then chatted with a few people and called it a night.

Sunday was back to the ball fields. I made a point of looking for Pam Z so we could chat. She and Jo and some of their friends were out by the entrance when we arrived so I chatted with them for quite awhile. Sunday I met up with more people. I ran into Cathy C, boy did I have a crush on her "back in the day." It seems like it has been 100 years since I last saw her. We chatted for a bit and exchanged phone numbers. I called her earlier tonight and left a message on her voice mail. It would be great to see her again. Val and Tara had another game and actually won this one. Their team sure sustained a number of injuries, two people went to the hospital with head injuries, and another was hit on the left cheek bone. She will have a nasty shiner for awhile. Because the team won they had to play another game. They lost that game, afterwards we watched some of the championship game then had to head back to the cities.

All in all it was a very nice weekend. The weather was beautiful and I was able to see some old friends and make some new ones.

until tomorrow...

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