Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's my Friday

Whew, I am happy it's my Friday. I left work early today I had a funeral to attend. Actually I just went to the visitation, I was not up for a funeral. My long time friend Leslies father died over the weekend. We grew up together, her family lived down the street so I have known her dad since I was a little kid.

After the visitation I came home and worked in the yard. We finally got some rain and the grass just went crazy. I will still need to get out in the backyard and cut it again. It needs to dry out a bit before I can cut it shorter.

I met Karen S and her friend Connie out for dinner tonight. It was fun, we went to Jake's City Grill in Maplewood. The food was really good, I think I ate too much. I got back home around 6:30 and decided I did not want to do any more work around the house so I chatted on the phone with friends for about an hour.

Tomorrow will be a busy day, I have a tee time at 8:30 at Gem Lake with Mary Jane and Barb, then we will do brunch someplace and hopefully I will meet up with Rhory afterwards. I then have a tee time at Fort Snelling with Val and Tara. We plan to meet Ann Marie and Jody for beers afterwards.

It's the Labor Day holiday weekend and the price of gas has gone through the roof. Of course I am driving on less than a quarter tank of gas. I am hoping to make it through the weekend then the prices will go down. I will be riding my bike to work for the next week.

I am hoping to get to bed early tonight and actually sleep the night through. I have not been sleeping very good, last night I got to bed by 10 PM and woke up at 12:45 AM then again at 2:17 AM then tossed and turned for quite some time. The alarm went off at 4:30 and it felt like I had not slept at all. Maybe I should be drinking a glass of wine instead of a glass of water.

I see Marlayna is online, I think I will say Hi then call it a night.


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