Monday, August 20, 2007


Could you heap anything more onto my plate? OK, so here is a recap of the last few months. May: My little dog Tasha (13 yrs) gets sick and dies. June: my house is burlarized and then my dishwasher and clothes washer go to hell. July: my girlfriend ends our relationship without any explanation, I believe she was cheating on me. I sure hope the saying "things happen in threes" is true then I can look forward to happier times.

Those were the highlights there were also a few smaller things happening as well. For instance, my dog Ayla needed her teeth cleaned $600. My stepdog Lash got sick, nasty mess on the floor that I will not even begin to explain or we will all get sick. Lets just say it took over an hour to clean the kitchen floor. He was diagnosed with Pancreatitis! Good God! I had big ass tree limbs come down in my front yard after that last big storm. Oh yeah and I had been looking forward to a mountain bike race, Ore to Shore, all year only to have the rest of the crew back out at the last minute. Now that really sucked!!!!!!

And then what happens? August 1: The bridge on 35W callapses and brings it all home to me. Any of us could have been on that bridge, my friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, hell I could have been on that bridge. As my friend Miss Marly always said "Dont sweat the small stuff." My issues pale in comparison to what those people and their families are going through. I can only hope that time eases their pain and they can find peace.

On the brighter side of things, the sun comes up every day and sets every evening. I have my health, a good job and people who love me. Life is good.

This weeks brings a flurry of activity, work, a little shopping, biking, golf and then off to the great white north for the weekend. I am heading to Duluth for a women's softball tournament. It should be fun.

that's all for no,


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