Saturday, April 3, 2010

Life Lessons According to Me #3

As I stated before there is no order to my life lessons; I'm posting them as they enter my head. Today's lesson is one I learned from my Mother and as I was just talking with a friend about it this morning I thought I should make it my next Life Lessons post. 

Don't ask a question unless you are sure you want to hear the answer. 

This is a lesson I think everyone should learn and learn it at a young age. I can't tell ya how many times someone will ask me a question and then they don't like the answer. They ask, I answer and then they ask again in hopes of getting a different answer.

Some questions should never be asked. When you ask someone a question you need to be prepared to hear something you may not like, you may get your feelings hurt and you may discover something you really don't want to know. It happens most often in relationships with friends lovers, and family members.

Be prepared, do you really want to know the answer to that question???

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