Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mixed Feelings

There are times, actually a lot of times when I do things that I have mixed feelings about. Today is one of those times. I did something today that I've wanted to do for a long time, I'm happy I did it and I want to share it. However, there is a side of me that thinks I should keep it to myself. It's kind of a private thing but not really. OK, so I sound neurotic but as I said I have mixed feelings about it. I know that I will share it with a handful of friends but I will also keep it from others. I'm certainly not going to post it here for the entire world to see but I'm compelled to express my thoughts, that's why I started this blog in the first place.

One thing I will talk about is my evening adventure. Tonight I started my Spring Forest Qigong level ll healing class. It was a wonderful experience. I have long held the belief that everything is made of energy and we can heal ourselves.

In September of 1991 I had the opportunity to test my belief. At approximately 10:15 AM I was involved in a head-on collision. I sustained some serious injuries and found myself lying in an emergency room with doctors telling me I would never walk again, never go back to work, blah, blah, blah. Let me tell you when you are 28 years old, all alone in the emergency room with doctors telling you this, it is scary as hell! I remember my first thought was "fuck you!" Second thought was ""that's bullshit, I don't believe it." Third thought was "fuck you" again. I had 3 doctors tell me the same thing and show me X-rays, each time I did not believe it. My 4th thought was "I'm not going to be a burden to anyone, thank God I already have my emergency plan* in place."

To make a long story short, the doctors were wrong. I was off work for 5 months and spent that time healing myself. Yes, I followed the doctors orders, well, everything except the drugs. I did not take any prescription medications, no pain killers, nothing! I meditated, I visualized, I changed my life, my diet, my entire world. I practiced what I preached!

I tested my beliefs and they held strong and true and made believers out of a lot on non-believers. Even my mother a long standing Christian has changed some of her ideas. She has a new found respect for my ideas.

So when I was introduced to Qigong earlier this year it was a perfect fit. Qigong is spiritual healing, which is also called energy healing or message healing, or information healing, or signal healing. You must have love, forgiveness and kindness in your heart and soul. I took the level one training about 2 months ago and now I've begun the level two training. I am very excited about this and looking forward to next weeks class.

Stay tuned I'll keep ya updated on my progress and feel free to volunteer for a healing. I need the practice :)


* emergency plan= assisted suicide. I have a pact with a friend of mine that if either one of us finds ourselves in a position that we cannot get out of, no longer want to live we will provide the means to take our own lives. I believe that NO ONE has the right to take the life of another person, the only life you have the right to take is your own. I have no issues with people who commit suicide, it's your choice, just as you chose life you can choose death.

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