Monday, April 26, 2010

What a Day!

This is the kind of week that just brings a smile to my face and it's only day two! Yesterday I was able to spend time with someone who I am completely enamored with! :)

This morning started off a little hectic as I was running late for work. Thought I could make it up on the ride in. Actually hit 27 MPH on the MTB! Excellent little down hill on Payne Ave and the traffic Goddess was generous with a shiny green light on M'haha Ave so no stopping for me. Cruised into work a wee bit late but nobody was paying attention. 

My work spouse had the coffee brewing and a cup ready for me. The day at the office went fast and I had lots of visitors. The ride back home was a battle against a headwind, very exhilarating! 

I grabbed a quick dinner and headed to the curling club. We had a really fun game. They scored 2 in the 1st end, we scored 1 in the second, they scored another 2, in the 3rd, we scored 3 in the 4th end tying the game. We swiped one in the 5 end, the buzzer went off in the 6th end and they scored 1. We went into the 7th end tied with the hammer. Unfortunately my team had some trouble keeping rocks in the house. I needed to do a bump back with my last rock and knock our rock to the button. A wee bit too much weight and knocked it too far, they scored and won the game.

After the game while sharing adult beverages one of the women on the opposing team asked me where I learned to curl. I stated at the St. Paul Curling club. She then asked who taught me. This was hard for me to answer, I never thought about who taught me how to curl. I just started curling and learned as I went along, I took a clinic about a year ago. She then told me that she had made bets that I was Canadian! Wow, I didn't even know how to respond to that. Totally made my night! 

I can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring. I have plans to see my "friend" again and I really looking forward to that!

Wednesday I get to spend the evening with my favorite little boy, RJ!

Thursday I start level 2 Qigong. 

Friday I plan to ride to Eagan to check out the bike route I'll be taking when the PO moves this Fall and Friday night I'm heading to an Adventure Cycling regional gathering and party.

Good thing I've kept Saturday free, I think I'll need to sleep in and take a day of rest. 

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