Monday, April 5, 2010

Entropic Chaos Factor

I'm totally sucked into the Stieg Larsson book "The Girl Who Played With Fire". I finished reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" about a week ago and Amy gave this book to me last Saturday. I had to finish reading "Death Match" by Lincoln Child before I started reading the Stieg Larsson book or I know I wouldn't have finished "Death Match." I usually have a couple books going at one time but I really like the Larsson books and know I'll be sucked in. I started reading it yesterday.

Anyway, as I was saying... I'm sucked into the book and I just read something that made me stop and "google" it. After seeing the results I know I'm not alone, a lot of other people did the same thing.

Here's is the passage that stopped me:

"Apart from the fact that you're not really a dyke. You're probably bisexual. But most of all you're sexual-you like sex and you don't care about what gender. You're an entropic chaos factor."

Stop the presses, what the hell is an entropic chaos factor? It sounds like fun to me! Do I need to add this to my sexuality postings? As I said I "googled" it and really did not get a difinative answer. So I guess I have to make up my own answer.

Entropic - entropy - this has way too much math for me. hmm I'm going with a "measure of uncertainty within a random variable."
Chaos - lacking order
Factor - 'who/which acts' Agent a person who acts for another.

So let's see we have random variable, lacking order and an agent. Here's my definition:
A person; in this case a woman who shows up unexpectantly at your doorstep some evening, and rocks your world.
I kinda like that~ sign me up for one of those Entropic chaos factors!


Unknown said...

The same thing just happened to me! & I like your definition, so I'm back to the book - With MANY THANKS! :)

Sue said...

So funny - I did the same thing last night when I got to that phrase. Your defintion is about what I came up with, so thanks!

Anonymous said...

Found your response because I was doing the same thing!!
Thanks for your "definition"!

john said...

lol im reading the book now and also had to google it, and i do like your definition too :)

Erniemcavoy said...

Well me too. Had to look it up and found your site.
Thanks , sure wish there was a book 4...

Anonymous said...

i found quiet a number of interesting vocabs from stieg larsson's book but " entropic chaos factor was way too much. well...i just added your defn to my string of vocabs.

Fabián Juárez said...

Made a pause on page 140 to google "entropic chaos factor" and ended up here!

Anonymous said...

Lol... Good to know we're all googling cos I'm reading the book and here i am doing the same thingthing.

Unknown said...

Haha just did the same. What a lovely writer he is. Enjoyed the definition you came up with. What a great sprawling Googling world it is !