Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lifes Lessons According to Me

With the New Year comes a little melancholy, I think about the past year and even years before that and I muddle over what I've accomplished and what I failed to do. What I plan to do in the upcoming year, so on and so forth. Along with the New Year I also celebrate my birthday right away in January which also gets me to thinking about the past and the lessons I've learned.

Today I decided it's time I started to share some of the lessons I've learned in my vast 47 years of existence. They will not be in any particular order I'll share them as they enter my head.

Today's lesson is on friends. For me my friends are the backbone of my life, they are my rocks, my mentors, they are here when I need them and they are here when I'm an ass. I believe in order to have friends you need to be a friend. This leads me to my lesson, when I meet new people I take a look at their friends. Do they have friends? What type of people are they? Who do they surround themselves with? Are they really friends or just acquaintances, work people, sports people etc.

So if someone enters my world and they don't have any friends I'm a little wary. It doesn't stop me from getting to know the person but if after several months they have not talked about or introduced me to any of his/her friends I start to wonder.

What I've learned over the years is the people I've met that don't have any friends, don't last long in my life. Now of course if I meet someone who has just arrived to the city/state whatever it stands to reason that he/she may not know many people. However, one would think that they have friends "back home." And after about a year they should have made some friends.

I'm not saying I judge people by their friends, it's more that it's their capacity to be a friend. It tells me a lot about a person if they cannot be a friend, generally they are not the kind of person I want in my life.

Lets see how can I simplify this: in order to have friends to need to be a friend, if you don't have any friends then you are lacking something in your character that I need in order for you to be a part of my life.

Lesson # 1 "Be very careful of people who don't have any friends."

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