Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

It has been years since I was this interested in an election. For me this election will dictate my future. If we do not get more labor friendly representatives I will be out of a job within 10 years. 

I have been watching the projections and as of now it looks like Obama is ahead 207 to 135 but there are still a lot of states that need to be counted.  I am cautiously optimistic. 

This is the first time in my voting career that I voted along one party line, the democrats. I am not a card carrying member of any party but as I said I need labor friendly representatives in office. 

The one thing I really hate about this election or any election for that matter is when I cast a vote against someone rather than for someone. In the Coleman/Franken/Barkley race that is exactly what I did. I don't believe there is any way Barkley could win therefore I had no choice but to vote against Coleman. I cannot stand him but I don't think Franken is a good choice either. 

The hot topics such as the Economy, Iraq, Energy and so on seem to pale when your job is on the line. On December 8th I will have worked for the United States Postal Service for 24 years; over half my life. The Bush administration along with his Republican cronies have contracted out more work in the 8 years they have been in office than has happened in my entire career. If they remain in office they will privatize the Postal Service thereby putting over 700,000 employees out of work. The Post Office used to employee more civilian workers than any other company, now WalMart does. What is this telling us? 

It's now nearly 10 PM and it looks like McCain has gained in the polls

Obama 207
McCain 141

I plan to stay up until a decision is made and I will either be raising a toast in celebration or drowning my sorrows. But one thing is for certain, I voted therefore I can Bitch!

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