Friday, November 7, 2008

Crabby blog

I am working diligently to get out of the slump I've been in. I somehow injured my back about a month ago and every time I think it's getting better it gets fucked up again. I know when it happened; October 12, the day Kathy came into town from California. I don't know how it happened.  I know it happened sometime in the afternoon because by the time Kathy got to my house, around 4 PM I could hardly walk. I even took some prescription muscle relaxants that Kathy had along with two glasses of wine and no relief. If I knew how it happened I could make damn sure it does not happen again. 

On Thursday of that week I talked with my yoga instructor and he gave me some poses I could do to help. I started feeling better. I tried to ride my bike, hell to the no, that was not going to happen. Within about 10 miles I could not stand it and had to come home. 

I spent the about two weeks taking it easy, resting not doing a lot but hell I do have a life to live. It's depressing. I can handle pain, I've lived with chronic pain for the last 17 years but this sucks! I guess a person gets used to certain things, like my headache, I've had it so long that I don't think anything of it until it gets really bad. But this back thing has put me over the top. It affects everything I do. 

I know it's making me crabby, it's affecting my job and my social life. The only thing I've been doing consistently is curling and even that takes it's toll. By the end of the game I'm hurtin' for certain. Fuck this sucks! See there I go getting crabby. Sitting hurts, standing hurts, laying down hurts, I'm not sleeping which really sucks because I don't sleep a lot to begin with. I guess this is not helping me get out of my slump but I just got home from curling and my back hurts. We had a great game, lots of fun. We won so I should be happy. 

Maybe I need to call the chiropractor, get myself an adjustment. I wonder if there are crabby pills. Too bad I can't smoke pot that's always been a good pain reliever. 

OK, I'm going to shut up now and post my crabby blog. When I feel better I'll post a feel better blog.

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