Saturday, September 20, 2008

There's an echo in the house

Hurry fill it! Lash and I have been wondering the halls and rooms of our vacated house. It's really not vacant but it almost feels like it. I've been spending time cleaning and getting things ready for the fresh coat of paint. It is kind of nice to have my house to myself again. 

Today I had a "home visit" from the Boston Terrier Rescue program; I passed! It will take some time but I will be getting a little Boston Terrier to either foster or adopt. I have applied to do both. Lash needs the company. He really enjoyed the visit today, Sandra brought her dog with her so he, Bowser, and Lash could run around the back yard together.

I plan to start painting the upstairs bathroom, closet and main room tomorrow. I worked on getting it prepared today, I had hoped to actually start painting but my day just got away from me. It should not take too long to paint, then I will move my things back up there.  

Oops, once again I see I have stayed up later than planned and I have a ride to do in the morning. Off to slumberland zzzzzzzzzz
good night

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