Friday, December 12, 2008


I try hard not to judge and being an ex-smoker myself I don't usually feel compelled to say much about it. However, there oughtta be a law that if you are working in a profession where you will have close contact with other people you should not be allowed to smoke on the job. Example, if you are a server at a restaurant, a dental hygienist, a hair care professional, a massage therapist, a doctor, any job where you get up close and personal with your clients DON'T SMOKE ON THE JOB! There is nothing worse than the smell of nasty stale cigarettes. Well, maybe one thing; the smell of nasty cigarettes and coffee breath, that's gotta be the worst! Ok, that's my complaint for the week. 

Other than the smoke contact the rest of my week has been pretty good. Work is really busy, you mail it we move it, happy holidays! I was hoping for just a little overtime this month to pay for my car repairs. Last month was a costly month, a $519 car repair and a $1200 dentist bill! Whew, that makes for some serious dipping into the savings account. This month should be a pretty quiet month, I don't really do Christmas. I'll get together with my family on Christmas Eve for dinner as tradition or better yet my mom dictates but I always work on Christmas day, let the christians have the day off. Oh, that reminds me of an incident I had at work the other day. There was a sign posted for the office "Christmas" party. I stated that I thought that it was inappropriate to have a "Christmas" party that I think a "holiday" party would be better, more inclusive and not exclusive. Well, did that open a huge can of worms. Next thing I know I have a co-worker shouting "if you want to have a satan party then go ahead!" I guess if you're not a Christian then you worship the devil in her book. Anyway, that got my dander up and I had to give her a little history lesson about Christmas and point out all the "other" holidays celebrated in the month of December. One thing led to another and management had to get involved. We are now having a maintenance party and I have to listen to all the christians cry. I've had more people wish me a Merry Christmas and sing Christmas songs when I walk by than I have in my entire life.  I'm starting to feel a little like Rudolph and we know how that story ends so they can just kiss my ---; I get to lead Santa's sleigh. 

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