Saturday, December 20, 2008

More lesbians = less smokers

I'm out shoveling behind the garage this morning and one of my neighbors pulls into the parking lot of the apartment building. He gets out of his car, he says hi, I say good morning and we chat a bit about the weather and driving conditions. He has a cigarette in his hand and takes a drag, I catch a whiff of the smoke and I'm tellin' ya I wanted a cigarette so badly! Whew, it doesn't matter how long it has been since I quite smoking I still get cravings. It's crazy! If a person has never smoked they have no idea what it's like! That first drag of a cigarette! Ahh it goes straight to your head. 

I was about 11 when I started smoking and continued until I was around 25 so it's been at least 20 years since I quit and I still get cravings. By the time I was 15 I was smoking in front of my parents, not that they wanted me to smoke it's just that they did not want me sneakin' cigarettes and burning down the house or something. I was up to about 3 packs a day when I quit. I'm tellin ya there is nothing like the addiction of nicotine, it will grab you and hang on forever.

That nicotine rush is better than sex, well at least it seemed that way until I discovered sex with women. Maybe that's it, lesbians started the smoking after sex thing. The rush of the nicotine was better than sex with men so we immediately grabbed a smoke afterwards. Funny, I was in my 20's when I started dating women and I quit smoking shortly there after, hmmm I see a connection here. More lesbians would equal less smokers. Most of my lesbian friends are non-smokers where as most of my non-lesbian friends are smokers. I think I'm onto something here.

The next time a woman talks to me about wanting to quit smoking I'm going to suggest she start having sex with women and see if that helps, it certainly can't hurt. 

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