Saturday, December 13, 2008

How to find missing stuff

First step: start looking for something else.

Example: the other day Mike sends me an email about the Rollerdome asking do I want to go? Hell yeah, sounds fun. I forward the email to people I think may be interested. Then I start thinking...hmmm when was the last time I had a pair of skates on my feet? Where did I last see my skates? The answer to question number 1, a long time ago. Answer to question number 2, I have no idea. After spending some time checking off possible places I realize they have to be in the attic so I go up there and start looking. I start pulling out boxes and rubbermaid containers, ah ha, that's where my winter clothes have been hiding. Oh and there's that book I was looking for. After pulling out nearly every container in the attic, I found my rollerblades. TaDa! Now let's hope they fit and I remember how to use them.

Now I know I need to get back in the attic and find out what else I have stored up there. At least the things in the attic are mine, unlike my garage which is filled with other peoples stuff. And my basement which still has some of Michaels and Rhory's things.

One more thing to add to my "to do" list.

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