Monday, November 19, 2007


What the hell?!?!?!? I went to the dentist today for a filling, now I know you are not supposed get cavities as we get older but my teeth suck. It's not fair, I brush 3, 4, 5 times a day, I floss at least twice a day sometimes more often if something gets stuck in there. It just ain't right. Ok, as I was saying I went to the dentist, got the shot of novicaine and the entire right side of my face is numb even my ear. This was at 3 o'clock this afternoon and it is still numb almost 4 hours later. On top of that it cost me over $500, damn I need a new dentist. Hell I think it would be cheaper to get me some fake teeth, they could all be pearly whites.

I still am not opening my property tax bill. No way, I will just have a fit! I know it is going to be crazy high again, don't they realize I live in the ghetto? God Damn! And then the dumb asses in St. Paul went ahead and vote YES on the school deal so we can have our taxes raised even higher. I just don't get it are people really that stupid? I think the people with children in the school system, even the ones who had children in the school system at one time should be footin' the bill. I did not birth no babies! I say if you choose to have children then you choose to pay for them, not me!!! Stop birthin' them damn babies. I don't even have a say in what they are learning in school and I have to pay the bill. What a system we live in.

Did I mention what a fantastic time I had at the bonspiel on Saturday? I am still chuckling at myself. I think we have a team for the Fargo Triathlon. Although I did look at my calendar and the Winter Carnival Bonspiel is happening that same weekend. I will need to check with my Friday night team, I know we were going to try to get into it.

Ok time to burn some fat!!!!

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