Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yea, it's cold outside. I guess that's to be expected, it is November. Let's see I made it home safe and sound from Oklahoma, had a fine time there. Met some really fun people. Passed my test.

I have been super busy since I got back. Been playing the Internet dating game, it is so much cheaper to cruise profiles on the Internet than going to a club.

Curling has started, we won last Friday. I played at 5 PM and 9 PM, I was exhausted after the 9 PM game. I felt like an old lady, sore knees, abs, back, even my chest was sore. I did not leave the club until midnight and had to get up early for work Saturday morning.

Went to Tara's hockey game Saturday followed by beers at Elsie's. The game plan was to go to Lee's Liquor Lounge at 9 to see the Roxxy Hall band but we never made it. Stayed at Elsie's and bowled a game. I didn't get home until after midnight and had to get up early to work Sunday morning.

Sunday up early, off to work, then to Ann Marie's 40th birthday party. That was a lot of fun. They picked a great place, The Chatterbox. Finally got some sleep Sunday night.

I have the next few days off work and hope to finish my chores around the house. Pretty boring post today.


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