Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fuck it's cold

Damn, I am not ready for winter! Snow yes, cold no! Ok, let's see what has happened this week? Hell, it's only Tuesday I should remember. Yesterday I worked 10 hours, came home, changed clothes and headed to the curling club. Mary Jane and I had planned to throw some rocks but all the sheets were taken. We watched everyone play for a bit then headed to the Happy Gnome for food. I had a fantastic spinach salad and a risotto dish, yummy. We then headed back to the club for a beer and watched more curling. It was a nice evening.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Beautiful Day

What a beautiful day! It is not often that we get 50 degree weather in November but today was stellar. I worked a long ass day 0400 until 1450 then cruised home and put on my biking gear. I had a wonderful ride around the lake and back. Yesterday I took out my clunky old mountain bike for a spin. It was fun but I sure did get spoiled by using Anne's Trek fuel dual suspension light weight racing bike. My bike is heavy as hell and has only a front suspension but I loved the ride anyway. Today I took my road bike which was much easier and the weather was warmer than yesterday. I sure am going to miss riding this winter.

After my bike ride I had dinner then ran errands, Home Depot and Cub foods, not much fun but needed activities. I also cleaned the kitchen tonight, YUCK! I still need to wash the floor but I will wait until tomorrow when it is light out. I had the most fantastic time relaxing in the living room with my book, a glass of wine and some candles burning. Yummy.

I think I have a crush on someone...

Stay tuned ladies and gentlemen this could prove to be a fun ride.

Until will meet again...

Carmen Marlot

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Catch up

Ok, let's see, Tuesday I curled with the Peterson team, they needed a sub. It was really fun, much higher caliber of players than I have curled with so far. Matt, Neil, and Steve were super nice to me. We played against the Kealy team, they too were awesome curlers. I learned a lot from this game. Afterwards I had beers with some of the players, Kevin and Rita from the Kealy team were great, we drank beer and chatted for quite a while. I gave them my email address and phone number in case they ever need a sub. My team mates left shortly after the game, well Matt played another game.

I saw Kim and Michelle at the club, they are on the same Tuesday night team. That Kim sure does hold my interest, I better stay away from her.

Wednesday I went out with Val and Tara to Pi, Tina formerly from Tina and the B-sides was playing. Julie and her friend Ann Marie met us there. It was a good show and the dancing afterwards was fun. I don't usually like Pi but we had a fun time, I think I need to change my opinion about the place and give it a second chance.

I worked this morning then went to my parents for dinner. If was fun getting together with the family. We all pitched in and got Mom's Christmas tree and decorations up. She was happy about that.

That's all for now, peace and love...


Monday, November 19, 2007

A quick question

What the hell is "of", why do we use this word? A couple of dogs, a couple of donuts, a couple of blah, blah, blah. I don't understand why not just say a couple dogs, a couple donuts, a couple blahs? I know there's got to be a reason for it but I can't see it.

Just something to keep me up at night...



What the hell?!?!?!? I went to the dentist today for a filling, now I know you are not supposed get cavities as we get older but my teeth suck. It's not fair, I brush 3, 4, 5 times a day, I floss at least twice a day sometimes more often if something gets stuck in there. It just ain't right. Ok, as I was saying I went to the dentist, got the shot of novicaine and the entire right side of my face is numb even my ear. This was at 3 o'clock this afternoon and it is still numb almost 4 hours later. On top of that it cost me over $500, damn I need a new dentist. Hell I think it would be cheaper to get me some fake teeth, they could all be pearly whites.

I still am not opening my property tax bill. No way, I will just have a fit! I know it is going to be crazy high again, don't they realize I live in the ghetto? God Damn! And then the dumb asses in St. Paul went ahead and vote YES on the school deal so we can have our taxes raised even higher. I just don't get it are people really that stupid? I think the people with children in the school system, even the ones who had children in the school system at one time should be footin' the bill. I did not birth no babies! I say if you choose to have children then you choose to pay for them, not me!!! Stop birthin' them damn babies. I don't even have a say in what they are learning in school and I have to pay the bill. What a system we live in.

Did I mention what a fantastic time I had at the bonspiel on Saturday? I am still chuckling at myself. I think we have a team for the Fargo Triathlon. Although I did look at my calendar and the Winter Carnival Bonspiel is happening that same weekend. I will need to check with my Friday night team, I know we were going to try to get into it.

Ok time to burn some fat!!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Women's All American Bonspiel

Saturday, November 17, 2007 I participated in the All American Bonspiel at the St. Paul Curling club. I had a grand time! Met lots of people. Let's see my team was Becky the skip Sam played third, I was second and Jody was lead. I started the day with a bit of a hangover as I had gone out Friday night. I curled Friday night at 5 in the mixed league then had beers with the team and met Val and Tara at Camp for beers. It was also Missy's b'day and she and the gang were at Camp too. I had at least one too many Blue Moon's. Anyway, as I was saying... my team and I took to the ice around noonish with our first game against my friend Mary Jane's team. Yippee we won, I don't recall the final score but we had a good game. After the first games were finished everyone took a break for lunch. After lunch we played Kim's team and sad to say they won. It was a fun game and very challenging. Again I don't remember the score, obviously it was not too important to me. We had time enough for a quick break then back on the ice for game three. Greetings all around with Margeaux's team, this was an extra fun game as I knew most of the players on her team. We won again!!!!!! I know Margeaux was not a happy camper about that! I will need to send off an email to gloat a little :)

I have no idea which team won the bonspiel, I do know it was not my team, although my team may have had the best time. After the bonspiel was over I hung out at the club with my fellow curlers drinking beers and socializing. Jody informed me of a bonspiel in Fargo ND in January. It is a Triathlon, curling, bowling and darts, what a great idea.

Five of us, Mary Jane, Barb, Kim, Michelle and I, went to Fabulous Ferns for food and drinks. Boy was I a chatty Kathy, I woke up this morning thinking "what the hell got into me?" While at Ferns Barb, Mary Jane, Kim and I decided we would form a team and go to Fargo for the Triathlon. Now I don't know if it was the beer talking or if they were serious. I talked with MJ this morning and she and I have agreed that we both want to go to Fargo, it sounds like a fantastic adventure. I am still waiting to hear from Barb and Kim. We then all played a couple games of darts. I have to say this was one of the best evenings out that I have had in a long time. Lots of laughter.

I also found out that Barb and Kim both downhill ski, I have been looking to find people who ski, most of my friends only cross country. Kim also mountain bikes and we chatted about that. I have known Barb for quite a while, she and I curled on the Tuesday morning league but this was the first time I had met Kim. I think I want to get to know her more, she seems very interesting. As much as I was running my mouth she probably thinks I am a freak.

That's my Saturday

peace and joy,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Yea, it's cold outside. I guess that's to be expected, it is November. Let's see I made it home safe and sound from Oklahoma, had a fine time there. Met some really fun people. Passed my test.

I have been super busy since I got back. Been playing the Internet dating game, it is so much cheaper to cruise profiles on the Internet than going to a club.

Curling has started, we won last Friday. I played at 5 PM and 9 PM, I was exhausted after the 9 PM game. I felt like an old lady, sore knees, abs, back, even my chest was sore. I did not leave the club until midnight and had to get up early for work Saturday morning.

Went to Tara's hockey game Saturday followed by beers at Elsie's. The game plan was to go to Lee's Liquor Lounge at 9 to see the Roxxy Hall band but we never made it. Stayed at Elsie's and bowled a game. I didn't get home until after midnight and had to get up early to work Sunday morning.

Sunday up early, off to work, then to Ann Marie's 40th birthday party. That was a lot of fun. They picked a great place, The Chatterbox. Finally got some sleep Sunday night.

I have the next few days off work and hope to finish my chores around the house. Pretty boring post today.
