Sunday, July 18, 2010

Well I Ain't No Popeye

The sailing lessons have ended, I really enjoyed them but I can honestly say I am not Popeye or Skipper; more like Gilligan. I don't think I'm cut out for sailing. I would do good as a crew member, I can tie knots and hoist the main sail. On our last day of sailing I was able to ride along in the big boat, I was in charge of the jib sail, now that's more like it! Bigger boat and only responsible for one thing.

Sailing ended just in time for me to get hit with overtime madness as work! It's Sunday night and I've already worked 24 hours by my end tour tomorrow I'll have in 36 hours, nearly an entire weeks worth! I'm doing my best to suck it up but I gotta say I'm not liking it. I'm working 0400 to 1630, getting up at 3AM is not fun. Even tho it's only an hour and a half earlier than my normal time it seems really early. I think the fact that I haven't gotten to bed before 2200 makes a difference too. Tonight I plan to get to bed by 2030, read for a while and turn out the lights at 2100.

Friday night I went to a Twins game at the new stadium, that was lots of fun! I'm not a huge baseball fan but watching a live game in an outdoor stadium was great! I would love to take my folks sometime, they both like baseball. But I'd have to buy some expensive tickets I don't think either one of them could climb the steps to the cheap seats.

My week looks pretty open so hopefully I can finish some of the yard work and get my car washed and the oil changed. I have a cabin party to go to this weekend but I have a feeling that I'm going to have to cancel, I'm sure I'll be scheduled to work 12 hours again on Saturday and Sunday. Guess I'll wait and see.

I have a convention to go to next month in Detroit so it's time to surf the net and find something to entertain myself with for a week. What the hell I'm going to do in Detroit for a week is beyond me. I know I'll be doing union stuff for most of the day but I'll need to get out in the evenings. Maybe I can convince someone to come along with me???

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