Wednesday, July 28, 2010


President Obama is going to chill with the ladies on The View! Stop the presses! We can't have a sitting president do an interview on a day-time TV show, the scandal. What will the rest of the world think?

OK, we have Joy Behar - funny, straight forward, plain speaking who hits the nail on the head every time. 

Whoopi Goldberg - one of my all time favorite people on earth; she brings humor to really serious issues serves it up on a platter and makes you think about it. I've been in awe of her since the first time I saw her at the Guthrie theater in Mpls years ago. 

Sherri Shepherd - I know nothing about.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck - complete redneck, born-again christian dumbass.


Barbara Walters- serious with a dry sense of humor. Let's see Barbara has interviewed Boris Yeltsin, Jiang Zemin, Margaret Thatcher, Moammar Qadaffi, Saddam Hussein, Vladmir Putin and every American President since Richard Nixon, not to mention Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin, and Fidel Castro just to name a few. 

I think the women on The View can handle an interview with President Obama, hell I might even plug my TV in to watch it!

What do you think???

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